Level Up with Loraine
Welcome to Level Up with Loraine—a platform for sharing personal & professional development tips and lifestyle content. My core purpose is to inspire people to live authentically in all facets of their life.
My background is in HR and Psychology. I am a people-enthusiast, self-efficacy & personal development coach who is passionate about helping people from all walks of life become the best version of themselves. In this podcast, I aim to encourage, inspire and teach by sharing nuggets from my mastery and vicarious experiences and those of my guests.
I am a free-spirited lover of life .... and all things nice! I enjoy reading and traveling, so expect reviews and recommendations in these areas as well.
Level Up with Loraine
Embracing New Horizons
What happens when you step into the unknown and embrace life outside your comfort zone? In this episode i talk about my recent continental move, and all that came with embracing this huge change. We explore the transformative power of pushing past your limits and discovering what you’re truly capable of.
From conquering fear and self-doubt to experiencing personal growth and uncovering new opportunities, stepping out of your comfort zone can be both challenging and deeply rewarding. We’ll share inspiring stories, practical tips, and mindset shifts to help you take those first brave steps toward the life you’ve always dreamed of.
Whether it’s moving to a new city, starting a new career, or simply trying something unfamiliar, this episode will motivate you to embrace change, overcome hesitation, and thrive in the face of uncertainty. Tune in to learn how stepping into the unknown can lead to new horizons, deeper self-awareness, and endless possibilities.
Thanks for listening. Follow me on LinkedIn and you can also reach out to me on email - LevelUpWithLoraine@gmail.com - for any questions, career guidance or personal coaching requests.